Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Missing Milk and M&M's

We began the new pilot program on Monday and it's going very well!! I'll be updating about that in more detail and with photos sometime next week.

The last few mornings have actually been on the cooler side.  On Monday during morning devotions, I was actually cold!  I asked the workers, "I am in Africa, right??"  Mr. Ambrose said I must be turning into a Ghanaian since I was cold even though it was still what we would consider to be very warm.

Yesterday I was working in the little reception office in the front foyer.  It's so tiny but I like it, it feels very homey.  Anyway, as I was sitting there, I remembered something that blew me away.  When this building was being built over 10 years ago, my dad had come over to do a lot of the electrical work.  He took a picture of the little reception office and sent it home with the title "Laura's little office."  And now, years later, I find myself sitting in this very office!

After being here since November, I'm definitely starting to miss some things from home.  One of the things I miss the most is MILK.  Here, it's powdered and while I'm thankful for that, it just doesn't cut it.  I'm dying for a glass of cold Vitamin D milk.  I could also really go for some M&M's.

One thing that I've really enjoyed while being here is the time I've had to spend developing my relationship with God.  That is truly the most important thing for my life.  Everything I do and spend my energy for can easily mean nothing if I am not giving my heart to God and learning to hear from Him and obey his voice.  I love the scripture in John 1:11-13.  "He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.  But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:  who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." 

WOW!  First of all, God chose for me to be born for a specific reason.  It wasn't by accident or simply because my parents wanted to have another child.  God himself had it for me to be born and to enter into a life with Him for a purpose.  If we receive God, we receive life and we become His children.  What does that mean?  Many don't like the idea of becoming a "child"....but I see it like this:  a child is eligible to receive their parents inheritance.  If we are children of God, which we are, we are eligible for His inheritance!  And we don't have to wait for a death to receive it...we can "collect" it right now!  This includes living a fulfilled and purposeful life, having joy, peace, and so much more.  There is nothing I can do that "qualifies" me for's all through His grace and the life He gave when He died for our sins.  How exciting is THAT??  Because of His grace, I am free to enter into the plan He has for me life and that plan is so much more than I could ever imagine or dream!  The Word of God is so exciting...I love it.  There's so much more to say about this, but I'll leave it at that for now. 

I know this post was short, but we've been very busy here and tonight I have to make more books since we recently had more students sign up to start the program, so I haven't had much time or energy to blog.  I just wanted you to know I'll be giving an update sometime next week and that I'm still alive and doing well!

Hope you enjoy your day.....drink a glass of milk for me!  Until I can have my own, this will just have to do.