Sunday, February 5, 2012

I’d like to begin this post by remembering Brother Leroy Corbin who went to be with the Lord this past Monday.  He leaves behind an incredible legacy of how God can use and bless a life that is lived for Him.  I remember Brother Leroy and his wife, Sister Dede, as our summer camp counselors in Huntingdon and the many times they shared from their hearts with us.  I respect and honor the way he lived his life and I’m challenged to live mine the same – full heartedly for God, holding nothing back.  Please keep his wife and their four daughters in your prayers, as well as the rest who have been affected by this tragedy.  My prayer is for God to be glorified in this situation and for His peace and rest to be with everyone.

I meant to update this blog a while ago…but things have just been very busy here with classes.  Time has truly escaped me – I don’t know where it goes but the older I get, the more it seems to speed by.  Currently, I’m still in Prampram.  I was supposed to have come home last Thursday, but due to some situations surrounding Brother Leroy’s passing, I will now be leaving next Sunday.  God knows all and I count it a blessing that I was able to be here a little longer.

Classes have been going so well – the students have had their challenges with a new style of learning, the language barrier, and other differences, but it’s been so exciting to see them learn and progress as they practice what they are learning.  I had the opportunity to teach a Basic Photography course which lasted for 3 weeks, 2 days a week, and it was amazing.  I learned so much as I taught them – I guess it’s true that when you teach, you learn.  I  gave my final last Tuesday and the students did well, for which I was thankful.
The original group - minus the two that joined later in the week.
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The nice backpack and textbooks given to each student.
Giving pointers on framing while reviewing photos.
With the exception of 2 students, the rest of the 12 students had never used a digital camera.  So, we began from scratch.  It was so exciting to see them progress from their first time taking a photo with shaking hands to becoming confident digital camera users and using the different options a camera has to offer.  There were so many things that I had to change about the way I taught, even simple things like terminology.  For some reason, they kept calling the flash a flashlight.  And broken is spoiled.  And billboards are called signboards.  There were quite a few times when I would say something or have it on my PowerPoint and I realized about 10 minutes later that they had no idea what I was talking about because of a simple word.  It was definitely a learning experience and I really enjoyed it – it was good for me to remember to speak SLOWLY!  I never thought about how fast I talk until I had to slow down and realized how hard it was for me to do so!  Thankfully, I've had the help of the Brennans and Miss Diane.  The classes they're teaching are going well and it's really special to be here with them, getting to see how they are imparting to the next generation here in Prampram, just as Bishop Miller did for them.

Last weekend was Ghanafest and it was really amazing.  On Friday, we served lunch to a medical team that had come to do a free clinic in Prampram.  Then, we went to Independence Square in Accra on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings for the festival in between running errands for the Ghana Fest staff.  Some local Ghanaian bands played each night and as they played the songs, the Ghanaian people would jump out of their seats with their white hankies waving in the air and dance up to the front.  As I was watching, a girl came over and pulled me into the crowd and made me start to dance!  She taught me a few moves and then we took it from there – it was awesome.  So many people would come up and start dancing with me and it was so neat because they were just enjoying themselves and the best thing was that it was all unto God!  I’m sure I looked like a dork, but they made me feel so welcomed and I had a great time praising God!
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Dominic Bali - an amazingly down to earth artist!
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The biker doing some stunts for their outreach.
This choir sounded incredible!
A new friend - Charity.
Well, much has happened but too much to write.  It’s hard to believe that I’ve been here 3 months already – each day I’m amazed at God’s faithfulness and love.  He is so good.

On an ending note, I can’t say that I’m sad to be missing the Super Bowl – but I am sad to be missing the time I would be spending with my family and friends.  Thankfully, I have the Brennans, who are very much like my family. 

May the best team win!