Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Eating towards the wall PLUS a haircut

It's custom here that whenever you are eating and someone walks up to talk to you or ask you a question, you offer them some of whatever you have.  It's also considered rude to be eating while someone is around you, so to avoid hunger in these times, you can eat facing a wall.

So, when in Ghana, do as the Ghanaians do.  Here I am outside of Melcoms trying a Samosa (I probably butchered that spelling, but it's a delicious triangular meat pastry), eating towards the wall.

I also had my Prampram haircut today!  Madame Susie cut it and it's already easier to manage.  Much better than if I had gone to the barber down the street....
It was getting way too long...

Madame Susie's Barber Shop

Yay Madame Susie!!
I'll be posting about the event we attended today sometime tomorrow.  Sorry for the ridiculous amount of me-photos in this post...I assure you that tomorrow's post will provide photos of greater subject matter!!