Tuesday, December 6, 2011

An Introduction

My name is Laura and in September of this year, I decided to come to Ghana, West Africa to live for 3 months at the Oasis International Training Centre school in Prampram.  After graduating from University in May and not knowing what to expect next, I decided to put off intense job searching until the fall and use the summer to help each day at my church.  I thought that towards the end of the summer, I would have a few job prospects and enter the work force.  Little did I know that God had a much different and better plan for me!

After an amazing summer full of learning and growing closer to God, my pastor, and my friends, I started to wonder what I was going to do about finding a job.  After all, I had school loans coming due very soon!  Yet, as the summer came to a close, I still didn't feel any clear direction about what to do.  The jobs I had pursued hadn't worked out and I really didn't know which direction to take.  I did know, however, that I have wanted to go to Africa.  My church built a training center founded by our now 94 year old Bishop Elvina Miller, which was dedicated in 2000.  Since then, many from our church have traveled there to help build and teach.  After hearing the stories of those who had gone and come home, I too wanted to experience it!

After talking with my pastor, we decided that both she and I would travel together to Ghana!  I could hardly believe it...I was actually going to see the Training Centre!  My pastor would stay for a while and then leave for home, and I would stay until February.  I was so excited and knew that God was directing my steps!  For the first time since the end of the summer, I felt clear about what I should do next.

Preparation for the trip began and after receiving my shots (aahh!), I was good to go!  The closer I got to leaving, the more things were falling into order - including my loan payments.  God supplied the amounts I needed to cover my payments at the right time.  I am truly amazed at how God can supply all of our needs if we simply say "yes" to His direction in our life.   I was privileged to travel with my amazing pastor, Pastor Nancy.  While here together, she was able to help me to learn things about myself and about life, and I am very thankful for the time I had with here here in Ghana.  I have been under the care of 2 amazing people who are also helping me to grow and acclimate to the Ghanaian way of life!

So, that's a brief explanation of how I came to be here in the little village of Prampram, the village I have heard about since the time I was a young child.  I have been here 3 weeks now and I am LOVING it...so many things to see and learn!  It still blows my mind when I think of how God has clearly ordered my steps...I know that He has a plan for my life.  Although I miss my family and friends, especially during the holiday season, I wouldn't choose to be anywhere but here.  I hope this blog helps to relay some of my experiences while here in Ghana!